Predict Method for Scorecard Models
Compute class probabilities or assign points from a scorecard to each observation in a data frame
- object
An object of class
- newdata
A data frame containing a column for each independent variable in the scorecard model passed to
- type
(String) One of "points" or "prob", indicating the type of prediction to return (number of scorecard points or
model class probability, respectively). Default is "points".- ...
further arguments passed to or from other methods (not currently used).
If type = "points"
, a numeric vector of points; if type = "prob"
a numeric vector of glm
model class probabilities
If type = "points"
, the output of predict()
will represent the
probability of observing the second level in the dependent variable in
the training data supplied to create the glm
component of the scorecard
object passed to object
# Reverse levels of `default_status`
loans$default_status <- factor(loans$default_status, levels = c("good", "bad"))
# Pre-process the data to create WoE features
train <- woe(
data = loans,
outcome = default_status,
predictors = c(industry, housing_status),
method = "replace",
verbose = FALSE
# Fit the logistic regression model
my_model <- glm(
formula = default_status ~ .,
data = train,
family = "binomial"
# Assume we have the following associated card
my_card <- tibble::tribble(
~variable, ~class, ~woe, ~points,
"industry", "", 1.23, 148,
"industry", "beef", -0.231, 107,
"industry", "dairy", -0.0956, 110,
"industry", "fruit", -0.359, 103,
"industry", "grain", 0.410, 125,
"industry", "greenhouse", -0.511, 99,
"industry", "nuts", -0.288, 105,
"industry", "pork", -0.606, 96,
"industry", "poultry", 0.774, 135,
"industry", "sod", -0.154, 109,
"housing_status", "own", 0.194, 119,
"housing_status", "rent", -0.430, 101
# Create the scorecard object
my_scorecard <- scorecard(
fit = my_model,
card = my_card
# Simulate data for new loan applicant
new_data <- tibble::tribble(
~industry, ~housing_status,
"poultry", "rent"
# Return applicant's points scored
newdata = new_data,
type = "points"
#> [1] 236
# Return applicant's `glm` class probabilities (probability of default)
newdata = new_data,
type = "prob"
#> [1] 0.2343966