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The “Build a Scorecard” vignette demonstrates how to use the scorecard() function to create a model object against which predict() can be called. This article provides a roadmap for deploying the model as a REST API service via {plumber}, allowing your model to be called from any other application that can make API requests.

Saving the Model Object

The API will need access to the model object generated by the scorecard() function. The best way to do this is by saving the model object to an .RDS file:

saveRDS(scorecard_fit, "scorecard_fit.rds")

Creating the API

The following plumber.R file sets up an API endpoint (/predict) that accepts parameters as inputs to the scorecard model (in our example, these represent the loan applicant’s values for industry and housing_status), uses the pre-trained scorecard model to generate predictions and returns either points or probabilities, depending on how the type argument is specified.

# plumber.R

# Make `predict()` method available for object of class "scorecard"

# Read model object
scorecard_fit <- readRDS("scorecard_fit.rds")

#* @apiTitle Scorecard Prediction
#* @apiDescription API Service for Scorecard Prediction
#* @apiVersion 1.0

#* Predict points or prob for new loans
#* @param industry (String) The class within the industry independent variable
#* @param housing_status (String) The class within the housing_status independent variable
#* @param type (String) One of "points" or "prob", indicating the type of prediction to return
#* @post /predict
function(industry, housing_status, type) {

  new_data <- tibble::tribble(
    ~industry, ~housing_status,
    industry, housing_status

    object = scorecard_fit,
    newdata = new_data,
    type = type

Testing the API Locally

To launch the API locally, run the following command from the R console. You can specify the port on the server to launch the API at by using the port argument from the plumber::pr_run() function. For example:

plumber::pr("plumber.R") |> 
  plumber::pr_run(port = 8080)

Calling the API

Terminal / Command Prompt

You can use the curl command to call the API using the terminal, command prompt, shell, etc.

curl -X POST "


As long as the API is running, you can even call it from another R session (using {httr}, for example).

call_api <- function(industry, housing_status, type, port = 8080) {
  res <- httr::POST(
    glue::glue("{ port }/predict"),
    query = list(
      industry = industry,
      housing_status = housing_status,
      type = type
  res$content |> 
    rawToChar() |> 


# Get points
  industry = "poultry", 
  housing_status = "own", 
  type = "points"
## 254

# Get prob
  industry = "poultry", 
  housing_status = "own", 
  type = "prob"
## 0.141

Containerizing the API with Docker

In order to safely ship the REST API service we created locally to another machine (e.g., a cloud-based server), we can containerize it using Docker.

Docker is a virtualization software that allows you to package your code, files, and operating system into a fully reproducible environment called a “container”. This ensures that the behavior your software produces on your local computer will be identical to the behavior your software produces on any other server.

The following steps demonstrate how to create a Docker container image that serves our scorecard REST API in a way that can be easily deployed on any server.

Step 1: Create a Dockerfile

A Dockerfile is a set of instructions on how to create the Docker image. For the purposes of deploying your scorecard model, we recommend creating a Dockerfile similar to this one:

# Dockerfile

# Base image
FROM eddelbuettel/r2u:22.04

# Define an argument for the version of KAscore

# Set an environment variable for the KAscore path

# Copy necessary files into the container
COPY scorecard_fit.rds plumber.R ${KASCORE_PATH} .

# Install required R packages
RUN install2.r remotes plumber

# Install KAscore package from tarball provided by Ketchbrook
RUN R -e 'remotes::install_local(Sys.getenv("KASCORE_PATH"))'

# Expose port 3838

# Define the command to run the R script that launches the API
CMD ["R", "-e", "plumber::pr('plumber.R') |> plumber::pr_run(host = '', port = 3838)"]

Step 2: Build the Docker image

In your terminal, navigate to the directory containing your Dockerfile, scorecard_fit.rds object, plumber.R script and KAscore_1.2.0.tar.gz file and execute the following command to build the Docker image:

docker build -t scorecard-api .

Step 3: Run the Docker container

After building the Docker image, you can run it using the following command:

docker run -d --rm -p 3838:3838 --name scorecard-api-container scorecard-api

Step 4: Access the API

You can navigate to in your local web browser to access the interactive API documentation generated by Plumber. This is a convenient way to verify that the API is working as expected.

We can now send requests to

  industry = "poultry", 
  housing_status = "own", 
  type = "prob", 
  port = 3838


There are a multitude of hosting options for deploying a REST API as a service that can be consumed by others. In decades past, organizations may have deployed on their own physical infrastructure. Nowadays most organizations turn to cloud-based services for deploying REST APIs. Such cloud providers include Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, DigitalOcean, and many more.

Microsoft Azure

Currently, Azure Container Instances is one of the most popular options for deploying API services on the Azure cloud. This tutorial walks you through setting up a containerized REST API service using the Azure portal.

Prior to doing this, however, you will need to push the Docker image you created in Part 2, above, to a container registry. There are multiple container registries where you can push your Docker image to, but perhaps the two most popular for this setup would be Azure Container Registry or Docker Hub.

More Information

For more information on deploying your scorecard as a REST API service on Azure, AWS, GCP, DigitalOcean, or other cloud providers, please reach out to Our team has extensive experience deploying R and Python models as REST API services that can be consumed by others inside and/or outside your organization.