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migrate 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2024-07-10


  • A new fill_state argument to migrate() has been introduced, allowing users to migrate IDs that only exist at a single timepoint to a new or existing state
  • Errors, warnings, and messages (which were previously handled exclusively by {rlang}) output in the console have been improved via the use of {cli}

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves an error that was thrown when attempting to coerce a state argument of type character to type factor

Technical Changes

  • The date argument in migrate() has been fully deprecated (replaced by time argument in v0.4.0)
  • The {magrittr} pipe %>% has been replaced by the native pipe |> that was introduced in R 4.1. Due to this, the minimum R version required to install {migrate} has been bumped to R 4.1. Accordingly, {magrittr} was removed from Imports.
  • {cli} and {glue} have been added as Imports


migrate 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2021-10-15

  • This release mainly aims to resolve deprecated quasiquotation with dplyr::enquo and (!! var) in favor of the ({{ var }}) syntax.
  • This is the first release where we have adequate testing coverage.

Breaking Changes

  • The date argument in migrate() has been replaced (renamed) in favor of time

The term date seemed too specific to use in the migrate() function, so it was replaced by the more general term, time. Instead of holding users to using Date-type column variables, this change allows them flexibility to migrate from Time A –> Time B, for example.

Other Features & Improvements

  • migrate() has a new verbose argument (logical TRUE/FALSE), which informs the user of the time horizon over which the migration is being calculated:

{r} migrate( data = mock_credit, id = customer_id, time = date, state = risk_rating ) # > === Migrating from: `2020-06-30` --> `2020-09-30` === # > ... [output] ...

  • {migrate} is now more light-weight: the dependencies on {crayon} & {stringr} have been removed

migrate 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2020-12-07

  • Deprecated rating argument in migrate(), renamed to state
  • Added back id argument in migrate()
  • Revised mock_credit dataset
  • migrate() defaults to percentage migration, instead of absolute

migrate 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2020-11-26

  • Patch fix for migrate()
  • Improvements to docs

migrate 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2020-11-24

  • Initial release